Brushing and rinsing daily may be the beginning of oral care, but there is a whole lot more to maintaining the health of your mouth. Simple every day habits can lead you to better oral health, which in turn enhances your overall wellbeing. Here’s how you can achieve that.
Do Not Forget to Floss
Flossing promotes healthier gums and teeth. However, if not done right it can cause friction and end up damaging your gum line. Remember to unroll a fresh segment of floss for each tooth, hold it tightly against your tooth and break the plaque up, clearly avoiding the gums while at it. If you haven’t been flossing regularly, you might consider getting cosmetic dental services.
Avoid Excessive Sugar
Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay. It produces acidity and bacteria in your mouth that forms plaque, which erodes and damages your gums and tooth enamel. For every sweet treat you indulge in, your precious teeth are subjected to twenty minutes of acid generation. We are not saying that you completely cut down on your sugar intake (although the idea is tempting), but try and avoid unnecessary desserts. Losing your teeth to cavities might lead you to a situation where you may have to choose between dentures and dental implants.
Ditch the Fizz
Soda is bad for your oral health. Yes it is addictive, but it wears away your teeth. Soda contains citric acid and phosphoric acid which conveniently erode the enamel. Although occasional intake of fizzy drinks does not cause much harm, regular intake of soda invites cavities and plaque to ruin your teeth.
Avoid Cigarettes
If you still haven’t taken the hazards of smoking seriously, it is time you do now. The tar and nicotine in your cigarettes does not only turn your teeth grossly yellow, it also damages your gums. Smoking creates an inviting environment for bacteria to thrive and cause havoc in your mouth. It also increases the risk of tooth loss and oral cancer.
Visit Your Dentist
Do not ditch those pending dentist appointments. You need them to maintain your oral health. Spend time on getting a detailed analysis of your teeth and gums, and get them properly cleaned.
We at Smile Magic Dentistry offer cosmetic, general, and family dentistry Orange County, CA. Visit our clinic for expert opinions and treatments.