What makes a person beautiful to you? Is it their bone structure? Could it be how they carry themselves, or how they wear their clothes and own their flaws? Where does their confidence come from? There are so many times you might come across a person, any person, and notice that they have an amazing smile—and you don’t particularly understand what makes it so great, but they have it, and it’s almost infectious, and it makes you want to smile too. Well, believe it or not, a good smile can positively impact your confidence in everyday life.
People who don’t like their smile or laugh have a habit of covering up their mouths when they might show their teeth. It’s almost a sad instance because it’s as if they’re hiding a part of themselves from the rest of the world, because they feel that their smile just isn’t good enough. There is something they see in their smile that they don’t love, don’t like even a little bit, and so they hide behind their hands and muffle their laughter so no else can see it. But there are so many great things a smile can give you, and great things that a smile can do for your body that should make you re-think why you are so ashamed of your own smile.
Laughing and smiling can actually release endorphins through your body. Endorphins are what’s responsible for lowering your stress levels, and causing you feelings of happiness. So it’s no wonder that smiling can actually work to put you in a better mood. What’s great about a smile is that it also acts as a natural painkiller. Think of some people who laugh off the pain when they bump their elbow into something—it works, doesn’t it?
Besides the positive effects it can have on your body, it can work wonders for your self-esteem. The next time you smile, don’t try to hide it. Remember, a smile is infectious, and when you smile, you find yourself in a better mood and with a better attitude. Being able to show that will let other people see this positivity, and thus you will be able to spread it, creating a happy circle. This is all thanks to the wonder of brain chemistry and hormones. It’s sort of magical when you think about it.
If you feel down, practice a smile, breathe, and think positive thoughts. Faking it ‘til you make it actually works, because, once again, it’s the brain chemistry. Once you put those muscles to good use, the endorphins are going to come rushing in. You will soon start to actually partake in that good-vibes party going up in your frontal lobe. This is one of those mood-lifters that comes so easily and organically to you, and you don’t even have to take yourself out of the house for it.
There is nothing so ugly that a smile can’t make beautiful. Go in front of your mirror, practice your smile, and learn to love it. It is guaranteed that everyone else will love it too, and return the smile back to you.