Patients often find themselves worrying about the amount of incoming radiation when they go in to get their dental x-rays. Besides the shared fear of having to go to the dentist in general, some patients find it difficult not to worry about what’s going to happen to their teeth if they are constantly exposed to radiation. After everything that’s been heard about it, you do, of course, have a valid reason to worry. Radiation is a dangerous kind of energy! Though it can treat cancer, it is also known to cause cancer as well, or skin problems, and raise other health issues. So what’s the deal with radiation in dental x-rays?
Well, first thing’s first. The important thing you could know right now about dental x-rays is that the radiation level is much lower than, say, chest radiations. You are perhaps well acquainted with the aprons and other thick material your dentist has you wear before the x-ray takes place. These are materials that are meant to protect your from the radiation, so your exposure to it is a lot less dangerous than you imagined it to be. So when it comes to that, you don’t really need to worry about the risks—they’ve been reduced since you stepped into the office of your General Dentist in Anaheim Hills.
However, there are many benefits worth mentioning for regular x-rays or checkups in general. If you’re regularly visiting your General Dentist in Anaheim Hills, you’ll probably be living life with much better oral health than your next-door neighbor. That’s simply because you are constantly checking your health and keeping track of what’s going on in there. With regular x-rays, your dentist is able to measure and detect tooth decay, any worrisome bone irregularities, eruption of teeth, diseases, root pathologies, and any other issues that you might not have realized if you didn’t go on that dreaded visit to the dentist.
It’s especially important to get these regular x-rays and checkups when you take into consideration your age, your current oral health, and if you find that you have any symptoms of possible oral disease. The dentist may also look into your family medical history, and if they see that your family has a history of tooth decay or gingivitis, they’ll more than likely implore that you come in for more regular checkups to make sure you don’t fall victim to any of those health issues. Dentists are only looking out for you, and want to keep your mouth in the best condition possible. You must remember that x-rays help determine certain issues, and can mean the difference between saving your teeth, or losing all of them. What are a few minutes under low radiation to a lifetime without your precious teeth? It starts to seem like absolutely nothing in comparison.
X-rays are fundamental to your oral health, so it’s better not to skip out on it. Don’t be afraid to call up your General Dentist in Anaheim Hills for questions regarding your next dental x-rays, and to address any concerns you might have.