If you are like many people, you have grown up hearing that you need to brush your teeth at least twice each day and floss them at least once a day in order to have healthy teeth and gums. Whether you moaned and groaned your way through childhood at the unfairness of having to floss or you tackled the job enthusiastically, as an adult you probably floss your teeth – at least some of the time. Do you know the true benefits that you enjoy when you floss daily? If you do not, you might be surprised by what you learn.
Cleans Leaps and Bounds Better Than a Toothbrush
Most people think they are doing a great job protecting their teeth and gums if they can brush twice a day and remember to floss every now and then. There is a reason why your dentist asks you about your flossing habits each time you visit though. Brushing – done correctly – does a great job at physically removing that plaque that clings to your teeth. The removal of this sticky film that contains copious amounts of bacteria is aided by using toothpaste – especially ones that have fluoride since they can help reduce the bacteria that is present in your mouth. A toothbrush, no matter how it is designed, though, cannot effectively get in between your teeth. Flossing before you brush helps remove plaque from between your teeth as well as under your gums.
Makes Your Gums Healthier
Even if you floss on a daily basis, you might not be doing it the right way. While removing the plaque that is between your teeth helps prevent decay, it is also important that you floss in the spaces in between your teeth and your gums. This area in particular is a prime spot for food to get stuck and form plaque. Even worse is that over time the plaque along your gum line can harden even further to form tartar. At that point, only your dentist can separate the tartar from your gum line with a scraper, a specialized dental tool. If the tartar is not removed, severe gum disease can develop, leading to pain, inflammation – and eventually – bone and tooth loss. Flossing gets into the gum line to help prevent this from occurring.
Keeps Your Entire Body Healthy
What if you were told that a tiny box that can fit in the palm of your hand and that contains thin thread-like material can make you healthier? Would you use it everyday? One of the most riveting benefits of flossing everyday is that it is the first step in keeping your entire body healthy. While you might think that gum disease and cavities affect little more than your smile or your breath, the opposite is true. Left unchecked, the bacteria that lives in an unhealthy mouth can lead to devastating health consequences such as diabetes, respiratory illnesses and heart disease.
Now that you know the true benefits of flossing your teeth and gums each day, what are you waiting for? Grab a box and floss your way to better health.